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For Family Members
Once you have purchased a burial plot at the Life Forest, you are welcome to join our community of people who are vested in this special place. We meet voluntarily to socialize, remimcise about our loved ones, enjoy the property, and share emotional support.
Family Members are also encouraged to plant flowers in the Life Forest Garden and Picnic area as well as leave heart shaped or painted rocks at the Life Forest’s symbol of strength and stability, the Boulder Cenotaph. We complete these rituals as a means to mark the loss of both the opportunity to spend time here on earth with our loved one and the lost the opportunity to see them realize the hopes and dreams that we had for them or which they had for themselves. At Life Forest, we understand that these unrealized hopes and dreams still matter to those who are left behind.
"Benjamin just got so excited when I showed him the picture. He said “wow look it’s got a tall part now” and he’s actually looking forward to visiting for Father’s Day which as we all know in a traditional cemetery atmosphere that wouldn’t be the case... so thank you for providing a place the boys actually want to visit."
- Samantha Hamel, Benjamin's Mom
Benjamin's father Justin is buried at Life Forest under the Weeping Cherry tree pictured.